Our mission is to create a vibrant community that fosters respect, appreciation,and friendship through shared knowledge of all faiths.
Oct 23, 2018
The beauty of our community is enhanced by its diversity.
Fabric of our Community Quilt
Each of us has a story to tell, and we all add something to enrich our community. Individuals were asked to describe what was important to them, using a quilt square as their canvas. Eventually, the squares were assembled into a large quilt, showing the beauty and diversity of our community. Each on its own was unique and interesting, but together it became something truly special. The Fabric of our Community Quilt is now "on tour" throughout the county as a symbol of hope that people from different backgrounds can find common ground on which to stand in friendship. Contact us by email to request the Quilt to come to your group or organization for display!
Feb 15, 2018
Interactive demos and Keynote discussion of Spiritual Symbols
Fashion and Faith Expo
How do you display your spiritual identity? Can you recognize the sacred symbols of other faiths? Local artists and businesses will be selling and displaying jewelry, clothing, home decor and more. Mehndi, displays, and informational discussions will be ongoing and a Keynote address will be at 6:30. Georgian Court College North Dining Hall and McAuley Heritage Center, from 3:00-8:00 pm.
Apr 30, 2017
How does appearance affect perception?
How Religion Influences Women's Dress: Empowerment, Expression, or Oppression?
The way you present yourself to the world says a lot about how you wish to be perceived. Are you certain the message people are receiving is the same message you intended to send? That surely depends on both you and your audience. Do you make assumptions about people by the way they dress? It is an unfortunate human trait to fill in the blanks with assumptions in place of facts when you just don’t know the answer.
On Sunday, April 30, a panel of scholars from Rutgers University and Georgian Court University will gather at the Gateway Building at Ocean County College to help us understand why women dress the way they do.
Jul 13, 2017
Screening and discussion of the movie David
Movie and Ice Cream Social
Join us for a screening of the movie David and stay for ice cream and a discussion.