Our mission is to create a vibrant community that fosters respect, appreciation,and friendship through shared knowledge of all faiths.

January 01, 2020
Fabric of our Community Quilt
What's this item about? What makes it interesting? Write a catchy description to grab your audience's attention...
February 15, 2018
Fashion and Faith Expo
How do you display your spiritual identity? Can you recognize the important symbols of other faiths? Join us for an interactive event focused on recognizing and respecting sacred symbols from a multitude of faiths.
July 13, 2017
Movie and Ice Cream Social
Join us for a viewing of the movie David at the Ocean County Library and stay for ice cream and a discussion of the movie...
April 30, 2017
How Religion Influences Women's Dress: Empowerment, Expression, or Oppression?
What are the various ways religion and culture influence the way women dress? How does that shape your perception? Join us for a panel discussion with scholars from local universities to explore our shared histories. What you learn might surprise you!